textworx. Agentur für Corporate Publishing und Journalismus.

Office for Corporate Publishing and Journalism


Here you find a small selection of my publications, which have been published in English in the last years.

SIMPLY SAXONY - Online campaign | Free State of Saxony

More than 40 online features, interviews or reportages for the image campaign "Simply Saxony" of the Saxon State Chancellery.

• Research (mostly on site)
• Interviews
• Complete copywriting

Please click on slides for direct link

Energy Saving Guide | EAE

Publication for the European Association for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems e. V.

• Concept
• Research (partly on site)
• Interviews
• Complete copywriting

Website holypoly.co | HolyPoly

Structuring and copywriting for the entire website of HolyPoly, a start-up for plastic recycling solutions.

• Concept
• Research
• Complete copywriting

Please click on slides for direct link

The Architectural Landscape in Saxony | TMGS

Publication for the Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen mbH

• Research
• Complete copywriting